
I. Journal Articles

In the field of business and management studies

Papagiannakis G., Wood G., Ioakimidis M., Chousmekeridou RF., Galanaki E. (2024) How Does the Enforcement of Labor Law Affect Other Firms? Exploring the Spillover Effects on Competitors’ Responsible HRM Practices? Academy of Management Discoveries (ABS:3)

Papagiannakis G., Vlachos P., Koritos C., and Kassinis G. (2024) Are publicly traded tourism and hospitality providers greenwashing? Tourism Management 103:104893 (ABS:4)

Thomakos D., Wood G., Ioakimidis M., and Papagiannakis G. (2023). ShoTS forecasting: short time series forecasting for management research. British Journal of Management, 34(2): 539-554. (ABS: 4).

Ioannou I., Kassinis G., and Papagiannakis G. (2023). The impact of perceived greenwashing on customer satisfaction and the contingent role of capability reputation. Journal of Business Ethics, 185: 333-347. (ABS: 3; FT list). Equal contribution.

Kassinis G., Kay A., Papagiannakis G., and Vlachos  P. (2022). Stigma as moral insurance: How stigma buffers firms from the market consequences of greenwashing. Journal of Management Studies, 59(8):2154-2190. (ABS: 4; FT list). Equal contribution.

Voutsina K, Papagiannakis G., and Lioukas S. (2022). Entrepreneurial intentions in times of economic recession: the dual role of environment. Journal for International Business and Entrepreneurship Development, 14(3): 265-286. (ABS: 1)

Galanaki E., Papagiannakis G., and Rapti A. (2020). Good is not good when better is expected: Discrepancies between ideal and actual collectivism and their effect on employee attitudes. European Management Review, 17(1): 171-184 (ABS 3).

Papagiannakis G., Voudouris I, Lioukas S., and Kassinis G. (2019). Environmental management systems and environmental product innovation: the role of stakeholder engagement. Business Strategy and the Environment, 28(6):939-950 (ABS 3).

Papagiannakis, G., and Lioukas S. (2018). Corporate environmental management: Individual-level drivers and the moderating role of charismatic leadership. European Management Review, 15(4): 475-489  (ABS 3).

Papagiannakis, G., Voudouris I., and Lioukas S. (2014). The road to sustainability: Exploring the process of corporate environmental strategy over time. Business Strategy and the Environment, 23(4): 254–271 (ABS 3).

Papagiannakis, G., and Lioukas S. (2012). Values, attitudes, and perceptions of managers as predictors of corporate environmental responsiveness. Journal of Environmental Management, 100: 41-51 (ABS 3).

In other fields

Papagiannaki K., Lagouvardos K., Kotroni V., and Papagiannakis, G. (2019). Drivers of individual flood risk perception and preparedness: a behavioural survey targeting the citizens of Greece. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 19: 1329-1346.

Papagiannaki Κ., Lagouvardos K., Kotroni V., and Papagiannakis, G. (2014). Agricultural losses related to frost events: use of the 850 hPa level temperature as an explanatory variable of the damage cost. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 14: 2375-2386.

II. Popular Press and Media

Organizational Stigma: Boys will be boys. Podcast series "Podcast and Business". February 2023. Available on Spotify here

Ioannou I., Kassinis G., and Papagiannakis G. (2022). How greenwashing affects the bottom line. Harvard Business Review (digital article). 

Kassinis G., Kay A., Papagiannakis G., and Vlachos  P. (2022). Boys will be boys: Stigma gives firms a social license to pollute. Management Insights. 

III. Work in Progress

CSR halo effect, consumers’ inferences about product quality, and the contingent role of family ownership.

Private Equity funds synthesis and their effect on fund performance. 

IV. Selected Conference Papers

Papagiannakis G., Chatzopoulou E., and Fotaki M. (2020). How Can Corporate Governance Drive Continuous Improvement in Corporate Sustainability Performance? 6th Conference of the International Corporate Governance Society, 13-15 November, Old Dominion University, Norfolk, Virginia, US.

Kassinis G., Kay A., Papagiannakis G., and Vlachos P. (2019) Corporate Social Hypocrisy and Firm Sales. Annual Academy of Management Conference, Boston, Massachusetts.

Ioannou I., Kassinis G., and Papagiannakis G. (2018). All Are Not Saints, Who Go to Church: Corporate Hypocrisy, Corporate Social Responsibility and the Impact on Customer Satisfaction. Strategic Management Society Conference, 22-25 September, Paris, France.

Galanaki E., Papagiannakis G. (2015). Effects of the Discrepancy between Ideal and Actual Caring Culture on Employee Commitment and Satisfaction. European Academy of Management - EURAM, Warsaw, Poland.

Papagiannakis, G., I. Voudouris and S. Lioukas (2013). Effects of environmental management systems on green product innovation: The role of green absorptive capacity and stakeholder integration. European Academy of Management - EURAM, Istanbul, Turkey.

Kostopoulos, K., A. Sirigos and G. Papagiannakis (2012). Corporate sustainability and financial performance: Complementarity and time-related effects. Annual Academy of Management Conference, Boston, Massachusetts.

Papagiannakis, G. and I. Voudouris (2012). Environmental management practices and environmental innovations: Examining the role of "green" absorptive capacity and stakeholder integration capabilities. GRONEN research conference, Saint-Maximin la Sainte Baume, France.

Papagiannakis, G. (2009). What drives companies go green? Applying Ajzen’s theory of planned behavior. 6th Student Conference of Management Science and Technology, Athens, Greece.

Papagiannakis, G. and I. Voudouris (2009). Evolving environmental responsiveness. A longitudinal study of corporate environmental strategy. Annual Academy of Management Conference, Chicago, Illinois.

Papagiannakis, G., S. Gkinos and I. Voudouris (2008). Antecedents of and outcomes from proactive environmental strategies. Is there a dependency? Evidence from Greek firms. European Academy of Management - EURAM, Ljubljana and Bled, Slovenia.

V. Book Chapters and Collective Volumes

Papagiannakis G. and Galanaki E. (2020). Discrepancy between ideal and actual caring culture: effects on employee commitment and satisfaction. In Volume in honor of professor Nancy Papalexandris: An anthology on Human Resource Management, Organizational Behavior and Special Issues in Management. Athens, Ed. Benos.

Papagiannakis, G., & Boura, M. (2013). Green Entrepreneurship. In S. Lioukas (Ed.), Innovation and entrepreneurship (pp. 47-72). AUEB, Athens.

Papagiannakis, G., & Katsikis, I. (2013). Social Entrepreneurship. In S. Lioukas (Ed.), Innovation and entrepreneurship (pp. 73-92). AUEB, Athens.